first release candidate of emesene 1.0 a lot of changes
some fixes to do but minimal
please report bugs!
artist needed to replace the emoticons
translator needed also!
- new themes
- move to group work
- set alias added
- new translations
- bug fixes
- block/unblock/add/remove modified
- some GUI tweaks
- etc..
In Linux, I mostly use aMSN because it has the most functions (like webcam, voice chat, custom emoticons,...)
I used to use Gaim, but it completely sucks. There is almost no development, and lacks the important functions...
But aMSN is written in tcl, which has its drawbacks too.
So, I sometimes use emesene too. It looks promising !
I hope you can add display pictures (avatars), custom emoticons, webcam, voice,... real quick
webcam? that's a dream my friend =/
be water my friend
See my icons there :)
Thank you for the good job ank keep working :)
1 relase for day?!? you are a genious!!
i wait fot avatar and custom emotions ;)
webcam *is* possible with aMSN, gaim-vv, mercury,...
So why not here? If properly done, it can attract many users
i will add camera support but there are other things before that.
are you ready to code a v4l app in python without a performance lost?
Yes, there are more important things :) (like avatars & custom emoticons)
Keep up the good work!
looking good!!
The ONE thing I can see that emesene needs right now is VOICE. Webcam works perfectly for me and so does everything else. If voice worked I would be happy with it 100%. Well that and my display colors by default want to set the foreground font color to black and I have a dark desktop theme so that's not so good. I am hoping that the font colors will also be more configurable in the future. That is all I can find wrong with it...
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