Tuesday, January 06, 2009

do you see something strange?

well, that's my gtalk account... ;)


vitorgatti said...

wow... that's awesome :)
but hey... I use Linux at home, but Windows at work... when emesene 1.0.1 will be available for Windows? Because of the bug of version 1.0rc1 that login with empty contact list...

Maximiliano said...

Si, pienso lo mismo, Emesene en windows loguea con la lista de contactos vacia...
probé varias versiones pero todas andan vacías :S
el installer, el portable.

Anonymous said...

Good! Thank you for Emesene Yaber, because I hate to use Pidgin for GTalk.


Will you recode Emesene 2.0 with Python 3.0 or not?

Ariel said...

Hola. Pregunta: ¿por qué en windows no se instala en castellano?
¿cómo se arregla lo de "windows loguea con la lista de contactos vacia..."?
Gracias, muy buen programa, lo uso en gnu-linux, pero quería recomendarlo a una usuaria de win, y tiene ese par de "fallitas"

Anonymous said...

nao devias tornar o programa muitinetwork....ficaria como pigin...inutil...quem usa outras redes que use o programa de outras redes. keep it simple e o sucesso deste programa... msn, as funçoes do msn comuns e acabou (voice clips, nudges, webcam)... nao devias por acesso mail atraves do programa pk ha quem use outros servidores na rede msn (uso o gmail e fica horrivel o icone do mail sem utilidade)....msn spaces e afins tb e desnecessario... e uma opiniao :D
keep it simple

Cyanotic said...

I think that it's better to start supporting webcam / audio / filetransfer in emesene, then to move to another protocol development...

NeXTWay said...


Jeffry O'Nassto said...

Orfeo C: I think that's better code your own msn client than ask for features. =)

cheers for the jabber support!

Cyanotic said...

I'm only saying that is better a full-featured single protocol client than an half-featured multi-protocol client (like pidgin)!
Some devs in forums has just coded an (almost) working webcam support...

Ethan Anderson said...
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Ethan Anderson said...

Pidgin does everything I need it to do except very advanced features for various protocols. Nevertheless, I use it for all protocols. I may switch to Empathy later, when it becomes a drop in replacement for pidgin.

If I REALLY cared about irc, I'd use Xchat.
If I REALLY cared about twitter, I'd use Twitux.
Let it be said that if one REALLY cares about MSN, they'd use emesene.

Focus on MSN specific features; we already have multi-protocol IM clients, and we have them in abundance. I frankly consider this bloat and a waste of time.

We're really just looking for an aMSN replacement that isn't a buggy, ugly piece of non-GNOME ...... The sooner emesene becomes that, the happier I'll be. Don't compete with pidgin, empathy, and iChat. The reason emesene is so simple is because it's for one protocol and one protocol only.

luiX_ said...

I think it's just great to give support to other networks. Go on ;)

Any other way, people would just use emesene for videoconferencing or similar but not for daily use.

Wally said...

Te apoyo! con una condicion, KEEP IT SIMPLE, no es cuestion de andar agregando todos los protocolos del planeta, el 99% de la gente va a estar cubierta con MSN y Gtalk (GTalk es importante porque lo usa MUCHA gente en el trabajo, a falta de MSN)

Eso si, coincido con que, como usuario, preferiria ver una version completa de emesene, con transferencias, webcam, sonidos (sin esas tonterias de winks)

Gracias por hacer este genial programa!

Anonymous said...

another pidgin :S:S it was good like it was before...not multi protocol...
dont go multiprotocol...keep it ONLY msn...ONLY simple...and implement video... the perfect version will be the 1.0.1 with voice/video and ONLY that...no facebooks,no msn spaces, no email acess...only write, read, talk and see...that's enough... for all the rest we have plenty of another programs and for email we simple use evolution or firefox to acess

Anonymous said...

Hola! Yo creo que deberias concentrarte en MSN, para multinetwork está el pidgin.
Hablando de pidgin, yo antes lo usaba y hay algo que extraño mucho mucho, que al hacer click en el try icon cuando alguien escribió un mensaje me abra la ventana de mensaje y solapa de quien me escribió en lugar de mostrar/ocultar la lista de contactos.
Un saludo! y felicitaciones por el programa

Anonymous said...

I currently use Emesene for WLM and Jabbim pour Jabber...
But if the XMPP protocol is included in Emesene I will be peased to use only Emesene :)
That's great

juancarlospaco said...

You can make an option... digo, che, podes hacer una opcion, un boton para hacer que no se muestren los emoticones que te mandan???
y que se muestre la letra que representa ese emoticon?
a veces te mandan tantos y tan pesados que se pone lenta la PC, seria util.

muy bueno lo de Gtalk!!!