Friday, October 16, 2009

Emesene 2.0 alpha :)

this week I gave emesene some coding love, to sum up:

  • don't fail if papyon is not available
  • fixed some small bugs
  • enhanced the Plus parser to handle weird utf-8 nicks
  • refactoring made to remove all reference to gui on e3 code
  • added a button to show/hide the calendar on the chat history window
  • finally removed the e3common folder
  • enhanced the look of the plugin window
  • fixed a bug that made X crash because of an infinite loop displaying error messages

and now I want you to start testing it, reporting bugs (in this post by posting comments), and asking for small features or fixes (no p2p, webcam, audio, background sharing and the like yet).

happy testing & commenting

Friday, October 09, 2009

I want to get the code of emesene 2

Some people is asking where is emesene 2 code available.

well, it's not on svn like emesene 1.x, since the start of emesene 2 we are using git and the code is located at github.

what is git?

simply explained it's a distributed version control system, that means that it allows people having their own repositories.

why would you want that?

anyone that want's to start coding something new can "clone" (copy) a repository and start working on it doing local commits and pushes, people can watch the repository, get the code, test it play with it and even clone it. When it's done this user can ask other programmers to "pull" (get) his code into their repositories. That makes the main repository stable and allow people to try new things and show them.

imagine also that I go crazy and start to port emesene 2 to whitespace, people can clone the latest sane version of emesene and keep coding from there.

also, you can follow experimental branches if you want, or clone the code to play with it.

why git?

I made a poll some time ago and git won :)

so where is the code?

the main repositories are mine and the on from boyska and dxdx they are here:

nice, how do I *really* get the code?

you can click the download button or you can clone the repository using git

firts install it:

sudo aptitude install git-core

or similar for other distros..

then clone the repo

git clone git://

you can update periodically doing

git pull


I fixed the problem appearing when papyon wasn't installed, if it's not available the papyon extension will be disabled, try cloning again my repo or updating it.

if you want the papyon extension (to see display pictures) you will have to install it from here: