Friday, February 19, 2010

facebook chat on emesene 2

really experimental but it works (sort of)

the day that facebook announced support for jabber on facebook chat I made some changes on emesene 2 to make possibly to use emesene to chat on the facebook network. It wasn't so hard thanks to how awesome xmpp (jabber) is.

I added the possibility to parametrize host and port on preferences and now it's possible to chat through jabber on any server (that means, gtalk, facebook chat, jabber itself and I think AIM too).

the things that works:

  • log in
  • list contacts
  • chat

thins that work some time: status update of the contacts
things that don't work: all the others :D

I will try to bring the jabber support up to date.

to connect follow this guide:

what are you listening?

I think the plugin that most people may use according to how many mails I get with that subject is the "current song" plugin.

So to start polishing the plugin system on emesene 2 I decided to implement the "music" plugin, that is like "current song" but on emesene 2.

you can see the code here:

basically you have to create a file called handler_<your music player name here>.py and copy the content of replacing the body of the functions for the code required to do those actions on your preferred music player, after you finished that, change the last line:

songretriever.register('mpd', Handler())

by changing 'mpd' for the name of your player and then add a line at the bottom of the file to import your module.

and that's all!

please if you want to contribute a handler for this plugin use pylint on the file before sending it to me, code quality is one of the goals on emesene 2 :)