Friday, October 29, 2010
Windows users, your turn
you asked for it, now you have it, make windows a first class citizen for emesene 2.
test it, fix the problems and provide up to date versions of emesene for your platform.
linux, *BSD users: what are you waiting to document how to package for your distro of choice and be at the level of windows?
if you have the steps documented, contact me so we can add them to the emesene repo and keep the updated versions where users can see them.
happy packaging!
Como generar archivos .exe e instaladores para una aplicación python (y pygtk)
Como generar archivos .exe e instaladores para una aplicación python
Este documento describe los pasos necesarios para crear un archivo ejecutable
de una aplicación python y como generar un instalador y una versión portable
para dicha instalación.
Este documento asume que la aplicación se basa en GTK pero debería funcionar
con menores cambios en otros toolkits.
porque un instalador
- se requiere instalar muchos componentes a mano por el usuario final para una sola aplicación
- muchos instaladores pequeños
- difíciles de encontrar
- difícil encontrar las versiones exactas que funcionan en conjunto
- requiere instalarlos en un orden definido
- rezar
- algunas veces incluso haciendo todo bien puede no funcionar
- fácil de automatizar y documentar para replicar con cada nueva versión
- liberar al usuario final de los problemas para poder usar la aplicación
componentes requeridos
- python
- todas las librerías utilizadas por la aplicación
- py2exe
- nsis
- tiempo y suerte
aquí se listan los links a los instaladores de todos los componentes usados en el ejemplo.
orden de instalación
algunos instaladores son independientes de otros, pero para evitar posibles problemas recomiendo la instalación en el siguiente orden.
- python
- gtk-runtime
- gtk2-themes
- nsis
- pygobject
- pycairo
- pygtk
- pywin32
- py2exe
tareas extra
- setear la variable de entorno PATH para agregar el path a la instalación de python
- probar la instalación con una pequeña aplicación gtk
>>> import gtk >>> w = gtk.Window() >>> l = gtk.Label("asd") >>> w.add(l) >>> w.show_all() >>> gtk.main()
prueba con una aplicación de ejemplo
Cree un repositorio con una aplicación de ejemplo para probar los pasos, la aplicación esta disponible en github acá:
- descargarla
- descomprimirla
- ejecutar python py2exe
- copiar los directorios lib y share de la instalación del runtime de gtk (no de la instalación de pygtk) al directorio dist
- copiar todos los archivos del directorio dll al directorio dist
- borrar los locales y temas no usados de los directorios copiados a dist (yo solo dejo el theme MS-Windows)
- crear la siguiente estructura de directorios dentro de dist: etc/gtk-2.0
- dentro de ese directorio crear un archivo llamado gtkrc con una linea como la siguiente dentro:
- gtk-theme-name = "MS-Windows"
- podes cambiar el tema usado manteniendo otro theme dentro de share/themes y cambiando el nombre del theme en gtkrc
- right click en ejemplo.nsi y seleccionar "Compile NSIS Script"
- right click en ejemplo-portable.nsi y seleccionar "Compile NSIS Script"
- deberías tener el instalador y la versión portable disponibles
- para probar que funciona correctamente, correr el instalador y la versión portable en una instalación de windows sin los paquetes que instalaste anteriormente
probar con una aplicación real
ahora para sentirlo mas real, creemos un instalador y una versión portable de
un programa real, en este caso, un proyecto personal llamado emesene 2
- descargarlo de
- descomprimirlo
- copiar and al directorio emesene
- cd emesene
- correr python py2exe
- cd ..
- copiar los directorios lib y share de la instalación del runtime de gtk (no de la instalación de pygtk) al directorio dist
- copiar todos los archivos del directorio dll al directorio dist
- borrar los locales y temas no usados de los directorios copiados a dist (yo solo dejo el theme MS-Windows)
- crear la siguiente estructura de directorios dentro de dist: etc/gtk-2.0
- dentro de ese directorio crear un archivo llamado gtkrc con una linea como la siguiente dentro:
- gtk-theme-name = "MS-Windows"
- podes cambiar el tema usado manteniendo otro theme dentro de share/themes y cambiando el nombre del theme en gtkrc
- right click en emesene.nsi y seleccionar "Compile NSIS Script"
- right click en emesene-portable.nsi y seleccionar "Compile NSIS Script"
- deberías tener el instalador y la versión portable disponibles
- para probar que funciona correctamente, correr el instalador y la versión portable en una instalación de windows sin los paquetes que instalaste anteriormente
- obtengo algunos de los dlls requeridos de portable python ( e inkscape (
How to generate .exe files and installers for a python (and pygtk) applications
How to generate .exe files and installers for a python applications
This document describes the steps required to create an executable file from a
python program and how to build an installer and portable file from that
The document assumes that the application is based on GTK but it should work
with minor changes for other toolkits.
why an installer
- many components are required to install by hand by the end user for a simple application
- a lot of small installers
- hard to find
- hard to match the exact versions that work together
- install them in the required order
- pray
- sometimes even doing everything right it may not work
- easy to automate and document to replicate with each new version
- free the end user from problems to use the app
required components
- python
- all the libraries used by the application
- py2exe
- nsis
- time and luck ;)
here are listed the links to the installers of all the components used in the example.
installation order
some installers are independent from the others, but to avoid posible problems I recommend the installation in this order.
- python
- gtk-runtime
- gtk2-themes
- nsis
- pygobject
- pycairo
- pygtk
- pywin32
- py2exe
extra tasks
- set the PATH environment variable to add the path to the python installation
- test that the installation works with a simple gtk application
>>> import gtk >>> w = gtk.Window() >>> l = gtk.Label("asd") >>> w.add(l) >>> w.show_all() >>> gtk.main()
test with a sample application
I created a repository with a sample application to test the steps, the application is available in github here:
- download it
- unpack it
- run python py2exe
- copy the lib and share directory from the gtk runtime installation (not the pygtk installation) to the dist directory
- copy all the files from the dll directory to the dist directory
- remove unused locales and unused themes (I keep only ms theme)
- create the following dirs inside dist: etc/gtk-2.0
- inside that create a file called gtkrc with a line like this inside:
- gtk-theme-name = "MS-Windows"
- you can change the theme by keeping that theme inside share/themes and changing the name in gtkrc
- right click on ejemplo.nsi and select "Compile NSIS Script"
- right click on ejemplo-portable.nsi and select "Compile NSIS Script"
- you should have the installer and portable versions available
- to test that it works correctly, run the installer and portable versions in a windows installation without the packages you installed previously
test with a real application
now to make it feel more real let's create an installer and portable versions
for a real world program, in this case, a project of mine called emesene 2
- download it from
- unpack it
- copy and to the emesene directory
- cd to emesene
- run python py2exe
- cd ..
- copy the lib and share directory from the gtk runtime installation (not the pygtk installation) to the dist directory
- copy all the files from the dll directory to the dist directory
- remove unused locales and unused themes (I keep only ms theme)
- create the following dirs inside dist: etc/gtk-2.0
- inside that create a file called gtkrc with a line like this inside:
- gtk-theme-name = "MS-Windows"
- you can change the theme by keeping that theme inside share/themes and changing the name in gtkrc
- right click on emesene.nsi and select "Compile NSIS Script"
- right click on emesene-portable.nsi and select "Compile NSIS Script"
- you should have the installer and portable versions available
- to test that it works correctly, run the installer and portable versions in a windows installation without the packages you installed previously
- I get some needed dlls from portable python ( and inkscape (
Monday, October 25, 2010
it's coming
right now I have the installer and portable versions available, I need to test them some more.
if you really want to test it, follow the instructions in INSTALL_WINDOWS.txt and become the windows mantainer ;).
Sunday, October 24, 2010
maybe I forgot, where to report bugs/problems/requests
we are using the issue tracker of github:
please check that your issue isn't already reported by someone else.
if you want to help us you could try to solve some of the issues.
instructions for testers
if someone can help us setting up a daily updated ppa it would be great!
how to get the latest version of emesene 2 from git:
first install git (instruction for debian based distros here)
sudo apt-get install git-core
clone emesene 2 from git
git clone
init and update submodules
cd emesene
git submodule init
git submodule update
from time to time update from the repo
git pull origin master
git submodule update
with that you should have the latest development version and updated when you need it.
to run do
cd emesene
happy usage!
qt frontend and problems connecting
if you have this problems try selecting the e3.msn session in the login window clicking the preference button that is at the bottom right corner of the window. Or you can also use it with gtalk or facebook (a little more experimental backends).
I would also like to introduce a new sub project inside emesene 2, Whisky84 started working on a qt4 frontend for emesene 2, the code is located here:
warning, this is in heavy development, only try it if you are a developer and want to help him
thanks to Whisky84!
the message I saw yesterday is that we need testers, yes we need them but we also really need developers to help us, so run that message too!
thanks all of the people that helped since yesterday!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
we need a release and we need it now, and we need help!
I started fixing issues, closing duplicated, confusing or out of date issues and I only was left with feature requests and papyon bugs. That means two things:
- emesene 2 is pretty stable
- and/or nobody is using it
this is a call for action, start spreading the word, looking for users/testers/developers/packagers
we need all of those and more important we need developers and packagers to get to the release of emesene 2.
at this point emesene 2 is at feature parity with what was the emesene 1.0 release and it is more customizable, extensible and stable than emesene 1.0 was on the release date.
what I'm trying to say? if we keep waiting for emesene 2 to pass the features of emesene 1.6.3 we will never make a release. It's time to focus on the core features and stabilize. Later with a stable release people will start to help with fixes, plugins and extensions but a forever alpha doesn't help nobody.
since yesterday was capslock day I will say it like it deserves to be said
start working on making emesene 2 the most awesome IM client on earth now!
here is a picture of a panda to motivate you, if this doesn't help I don't know what will...