Monday, May 30, 2011

emesene 2.11.5

So, developers have worked hard this month, and here we come with the new and shiny release: emesene 2.11.5!

look ma' i'm running the latest emesene version!

If you already tried/used the previous emesene-2 version (2.11.4), here's a small and readable changelog between the .4 release and this that tries to cover the tons of git commits we had this month:

- Experimental Qt4 gui (disabled by default: if you want to try it, run emesene with the -e main:qt4_main flag, and make sure to have python-qt4 around)
- Better support for Adium themes, including emoticon themes!
- Better working group chat
- Drag and drop support in chat window
- Ctrl+Tab support for switching tabs
- MSN groups chats support when using Adium themes
- Updated translations
- Lots of other bug fixes (so much we forgot about them? we fixed more than 100 user-reported issues!)

Thanks to all developers, translators, casual contributors, users, spammers, haters.
We hope our effort will be useful and appreciated, and that this new release will raise the interest in order to make the emesene ecosystem and community more powerful and capable of making the best instant messaging client you can think of!

Downloads incoming, check the dowloads page!
Source package (extract and run): zipball or tarball

p.s. unfortunately we haven't been able to have some fixes to the python-papyon library committed upstream, we recommend to stick with the 0.5.5 version and upgrade as soon as the 0.5.6 version comes out (we don't know when, unfortunately).

Monday, May 23, 2011

emesene gets a Qt4 gui

Gabriele "Whisky" Visconti a while ago started writing a Qt4 gui extension for emesene (yes, through our nifty extensions it is actually possible to support multiple gui toolkits) and today i'm here to say that i put his great work into emesene/master so that all our git users can try it and maybe improve it/help him fix stuff!

Actually, launching emesene with the Qt4 gui is really easy:
- install pyqt (debian/ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python-qt4)
- get a copy of emesene from git (so you'll be updated enough)
- run emesene: emesene -e main:qt4_main

Beware! This code is still a draft far behind the GTK+ one but it's a great start if you like Qt..and emesene of course (hint: almost-native look in every plaform anyone?). It is not meant for everyday use (yet?), but hacking on it should be real fun.

What are you waiting for? Just pull and updated copy of emesene-git and start hacking!

Monday, May 02, 2011

some news

the consolidation of the sites is finished: doesn't exist anymore, all the content of the site is moved to the tabs you see above was disabled since it was full of spam and google was threatening me to disable my google account because of the pr0n

about emesene 2 and some complaints:

  • yes, we know emesene 2.11.4 is a little rough around the edges, but we needed to make a release to reach a wider audience, get more feedback and hopefully more developers (help us!)
  • emesene 1 won't come back, anyone who wants to keep it alive may fork it but we encourage you to make emesene 2 as good (and better) than emesene 1, after all emesene 1.6.3 was a result of years of polishing, give emesene 2 a go and help us reach that level, I'm sure it will become better than that in the following months. Don't waste energy on two projects when we can focus on the latest version.
  • we still need packagers! the main reasons of instability are package related, help us get great packages to avoid wasting energy on things that are not related to emesene's code.
  • saying that it sucks, or that you will switch to other client if we don't do what you want doesn't help a lot, please help us by recruiting more developers and that way the problems will solve quicker and you will eventually get what you want
and finally many thanks to the people that made this release posible, in order of contributions:

  • Riccardo (C10uD)
  • Mariano Guerra
  • cando
  • arielj
  • 4ndreaSt4gi
  • Davide Lo Re
  • Sven (Sbte)
  • karasu
  • dequis (dx)
  • Jose Rostagno
  • SWOriginal
  • Hung-Yen Chen
  • nenemfromhell
  • hammered
  • Richard Somlói
  • j0hn (j0hn soplete)
  • Ivan25
  • André Lopes
  • Adolfo Fitoria
  • ariel
  • xisco
  • WayneSan
  • Otacon