Monday, December 29, 2008

Status report

about emesene 1.x:

the development of this version was pretty low the last months mainly because it's hard to maintain (the code is a mess in some places) and there are no developers willing to help to close bugs (if you want, please help us!).

the last days dx was trying to close some anoying bugs, he is still on it and I think it will make emesene 1.x better to use.

I had little to no time in the last months, so the time I had, was to code for emesene 2 (read below), this month I will have time to advance on emesene 2, so expect some updates about it in the next weeks.

about the new version:

I will make individual posts about the new version (code name mesinyer), but let's say that it's a full rewrite applying all the things that I learned over the development of emesene 1 and trying to do a stable, mantainable and extendable code base. The code is pretty alpha but usable, I expect to do some alpha releases on the next month.

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