Monday, April 02, 2012

emesene 2.12.3

Hello there emesene fans!

This is a lightning-fast release because we're in a hurry, so here's what you need to know:

Brief changelog (you can see a complete one with `git log v2.12.3 v2.12.1`) :
- better plugin handling and fixes
- typing notifications fixed
- bugfixes to the msn backend
- bugfixes/improvements to the facebook backend
- bugfixes/improvements to adium output
- middle click closes tabs (gtk)
- prevent hanging/crashes with newer versions of openssl
- improved single-instance code
- code-style improvements
- updated translations

Source code download (for packagers or other brave people out there):
[ tarball | zipball ]

Platform specific packages will follow as soon as the people working on them have some time to upgrade, sort things out and prepare them.
Make sure to check the downloads page once a while so you can stay up-to-date.

Have fun,
Riccardo (c10ud)


KinG-InFeT said...

fantastic! The new version is full of bug fixes and was made ​​even more stable. I use gentoo and I wait to update the ebuild cheho requested in this ticket:

Fabio said...

thanks, I hope that "prevent hanging/crashes with newer versions of openssl" is my problem.

Ariel Juodziukynas said...

windows installer and portable version available at github's downloads section:

known issue: some problems loading Adium Output extension on windows7

Kieta said...

on ubuntu usining the debian package ,it keeps telling me that python is < 2.7 also i have 3.1 installed.

perdesiz said...

how can I see emesene main window after quitting it with the "x" window icon. i dont see it in the system tray.

Cl3BeR said...

Como instalar o .tgz ou .zip?

How do install .tgz or .zip files??

I do unzip, but i dont know what i do for install emesene.

Please put the Tutorial for install with .zip or .tgz


Riccardo (c10ud) said...

@unknown: just extract and run the "emesene" script, providing you already got what you need in order to run the program, otherwise just wait until a proper package for your OS is available.

@perdesiz: it depends on the OS you're using. In Ubuntu, for instance, if emesene is logged in and you click X you will find it in the Messaging Menu. If you're logged out, the program will close.

Cl3BeR said...

Thanks! It's running.

install .emesene /home/user

I use openSUSE and i'm do not see the program in my KDE - App > Internet > Chat > Emesene

What i have do now?


Mirko Ce said...

I'm using emesene 2.12.3, installed on ubuntu pangolin...
I have a little problem : emesene has its own indicator on the panel and it is not present in the memenu, like it was in ubuntu 11.10. I've tried to configure in emesene settings, but it didn't work.
The version installed is that present in the ubuntu repository....

ricsipontaz said...

Mirko Ishtar: It is very strange, because I have two Precise installation and this thing is only happening on one of them, on the other it is works normally.

Mirko Ce said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mirko Ce said...

It is so weird O.o
On both my installations emesene shows an indicator.

Don't know why :/

Riccardo (c10ud) said...

i think you're missing the python-indicat* package, file a bug against emesene package in ubuntu so they can sort it out for next releases

Mirko Ce said...

You were right! Thank you so much :D
Now it works without any problem ;)

Anonymous said...

si en emesene se pudiera tener conectado facebook y msn(hotmail) asi como en el msn de microsoft y además se pudiera hacer videollamadas y llamadas sin video osea llamadas de solo audio, seria el mejor msn en linux, y si se pudieran visualizar imágenes y vídeos(de youtube o paresidos) en las conversaciones seria aun mucho mejor, pero creo que es mucho soñar xD dudo que algo asi pase

Juanfgs said...

Thank you for this feature (, I've been trying to figure out why my contacts couldn't see my pic for ages.

Keep up with the good work!