Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I just tried emesene 2 on a windows machine and it worked :D

I never tested it until today and seems to run fine except for a bug with some code loading emoticons on the conversation window.

some screenshots

for the people that want to try, I installed

python 2.5.4



then downloaded a zip of the git repo and it worked :D


Mathias said...

Lol, nice cross-platform is tha sh*t :')

Good for our Windows friends :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i installed python and pygtk, and yet it says libglib-2.0.0.dll is missing. then i realized PATH has changed so i re-opened total commander and then

python emesene


however, this method is ugly. we need a preview release and windows bundles :P

Anonymous said...

after a few mins of use: this buddy list is horrible. the same grey icon is used for everyone, like everyone was offline. yeah, the status is on the left, but the buddy icon is the *same* for on and offline too.

and the buddy info popup won't appear anymore. buddy icons aren't loaded either.

and now i just tried to send ":(", and the result:


and now i deleted the smiley but anything i write appears on the same line.

so it really needs some polishing.

godlike said...

Regarding failing to load emoticons: could it be that you were trying to load SVG icons? SVG doesn't work on Windows + PyGTK, but I think you already knew that ;).